Rapid assessment of environmental state in Shkodra Region
EVSR was created in September 2022. During the first year we have worked for its structure and organization, inviting and choosing people for different positions. We also have contacted different stakeholders and establish connections with them for future collaborations. Until now we have realized one project as follow:
Year of implementation: 2023
Project title: “Rapid assessment of environmental state in Shkodra Region”.
This project has been realized based on voluntary work of our members. It consists on a general evaluation of the environmental situation in the entire region of Shkodra. As a final product of the project it is a list of the main environmental issues of the region that should take under consideration for sustainable solutions.
© Alketa Misja Photography
Main environmental issues in Shkodra region
A. Water quality and management.
1. Prohibition of waste disposal into the water resources.
2. Prohibition of untreated sewage urban water directly into the water resources.
3. Prohibition of industrial waste water discharge directly into the water resources.
4. Regulation of water regime in Shkodra Lake, Drini, Buna and Kiri rivers and prevention of floods.
5. Continuous monitoring and publication of the data about the water quality in water resources.
6. Improvement of cooperation between public institutions, non-profit organizations and independent experts for exchange of information about the water quality.
7. Concrete studies on waste water effects on biodiversity and health of the local community and awareness.
8. Construction of waste water canalization networks in urban and rural areas.
9. Construction of the treatment plants and implementation of other technologies to treat the waste waters.
10. Construction and rehabilitation of irrigation channel system for agriculture.
11. Improvement of collaboration with Montenegro for evaluation and treatment of sewage water that discharge directly in water resources with common interests.
B. Waste management.
12. Urban waste evasion in the entire territory of the region.
13. Differentiation of waste at source and function of evasion system for differentiated waste.
14. Improvement of the infrastructure for urban waste collection.
15. Cleaning of the entire coastal areas from several years old urban waste.
16. Improvement of the landscape/view in the waste collection sites (bins) in all the urban and rural areas.
17. Rehabilitation of the landfills that are out of environmental standards.
18. Promotion of recycling methods and increase of the recycling companies in the region.
19. Improvement of the hospital waste management generated from families.
20. Reduce and recycling of organic waste.
21. Good management of a special system for industrial waste.
22. Rising public awareness.
C. Air quality
23. Reduce of the cars that move in the areas with highest flux.
24. Improvement of public transport with ecological cars.
25. Promotion of the clean tecnologies in industry.
26. Promotion of bicycle movement.
27. Reducing of dust from urban construction sector.
28. Planification of industrial areas considering the community protection from the possible air pollutions.
29. Increase of green areas.
D. Land protection
30. Protection from erosion in Buna, Drini and Kiri river coasts.
31. Rehabilitation of the areas with inert waste presence.
32. Function of the drainage channels.
33. Rehabilitation of the surfaces damaged by ex quarries in Tarabosh and Mali Kolaj mountains.
34. Identification and precautions in the areas where could be favored the erosion.
35. Measures for protection from floods.
E. Forests management.
36. Regulation of forest management legal structure, from municipalities into a special institution.
37. Increase of the forested areas.
38. Increase of volume of the woody mass.
39. Rehabilitation of the damaged surfaces in the forests by fire and floods.
40. Improvement of the coastal forest areas damaged by illegal cut.
41. Reduction of tree usage as fire wood, alternative energies.
42. Fire prevention in forests.
43. Awareness campaign about forest protection.
F. Biodiversity
44. Public online system for continuous monitoring of biodiversity.
45. Illegal fishing.
46. Illegal hunting.
47. Introduction of new species in water resources.
48. Habitat improvement, mainly in Shkodra Lake and Buna River coasts.
49. Reduction of human activities in the important areas for biodiversity.
50. Construction/opening of the ecological corridors through ecosystems for animals movement.
G. Agriculture and farming
51. Reducing of pesticides and chemicals usage.
52. Stopping of genetic erosion and increase of traditional species.
53. Function of irrigation system.
H. Tourism
54. Promotion of ecotourism.
55. Orientation and possibly reducing the mass tourism.
56. Defining and opening the trails for car, bicycle or foot movement to enjoy the natural values.
57. Protection and management of natural monuments.
58. Promotion of ecotourism in new and unknown areas.
59. Promotion of cultural, culinary, mountain, medical, religious, adventure, sportive, tourism.
60. Management of visitors in protected areas.